Sunday, January 4, 2009

Foot Rubs

Growing up I loved rubbing my Dad's feet. He made me feel like I gave the best foot rubs in the world, calling them the "Million Dollar Foot Rubs." Of course this made me want to do them over and over. Wise father of mine.

I thought there was no better time than while Steve was recovering to teach Kali the art of foot rubs for Daddy. She LOVED rubbing her daddy's feet and kept asking Steve, "Squeeze harder, Daddy?" - precious moment with our precious girl. The Daddy-Daughter bond spans another generation.


Troy and Heather said...

Oh, that is so sweet. Sometimes that works with my boys, but most of the time, they reverse it and end up wanting us to rub their back or feet.

Fritters said...

that is so sweet. you guys are such a cute family!

Jamie said...