Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Blake Boy

Every time I look at Blake, I can't get over how much my heart melts for this child. I realized I never blogged about his first birthday, so I want to talk about my Blakey Boy. This child is full, full, full of love. He has brought peace and joy to so many through this difficult last year. He has the sweetest disposition and kind, loving eyes. I feel so blessed every day to have him in our family. My heart aches to see him and hold him - I don't know if I'm beginning to understand how fleeting and precious babyhood is, but I enjoy every moment with this child. I hurry to get him out of his crib in the morning and I fight Steve to rock him to sleep at night. The one day a week I work I hurry home, so anxious to see his huge open-mouth grin and watch him scoot quickly towards me.

His brother and sister love him so much. Trenton is so patient with him - his classic line is "It's OK Mom, I don't mind if he _______ (hits me, rolls on me, throws things at me)." He trusts Trenton and never fusses when he carries him or picks him up. (The oppisite can be said for Kali - he usually runs in the oppisite direction when his well intentioned big sister comes at him).

Kali takes such good care of him - this morning I caught her in the crib with him after he had woken up. She was facing him on her knees stroking both of his arms, singing "Lullaby little baby, I love you little baby." Oh, my - precious. And in the bathtub tonight she washed his back for about 10 minutes singing, "All clean, little one. Let's get you all clean. There you go sweetheart."

Add Image Getting some love from his Uncle Billy - his namesake

Some First Birthday Fun - with homemade chocolate/cream cheese icing from Aunt Emily. We were blessed to have Great Grandpa, Grandma, Anna, Sandy & Art, and Emily with us to celebrate his first birthday.

I just love this little guy and watching his personality unfold. He has been such a delight to have in our home!

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