Thursday, May 14, 2009

Out of the Mouth of Trenton

Trenton leaned over at the beginning of Sacrament this past Fast Sunday & asked if he could bear his testimony. Of course, honey...but as he walked up I became afraid, very afraid. I leaned over to Steve & said, "Are you nervous?" "Why should I be nervous?" was the reply. HA! Why should you be nervous? Because 2 days ago in preschool he raised his sweet little hand & interrupted his preschool PARTY with EVERY parent present to ask (and I quote) "Sister Ann, do tooters get out meconium? My mom thinks tooters get out gas! Ha!" 18 heads in the room turn towards me only to see tears streaming down my cheeks, while above the laughter I hear one parent comment, "Yes, only Trenton would ask a question like that." At least they know him by now.

His other preschool class hatched butterflies, and his teacher taught him that little drops of meconium came out of the caterpillars as they turned into butterflies. Well, somehow that has become a topic of daily conversation at this house.

We just had the conversation that no, meconium comes out of newborn babies and tooters just get gas out and that is bathroom talk ONLY, for our house ONLY. Trenton's reply to all of that "nonsense" was "Mom are you serious?! You think we have gas? HA! That's why teachers know everything and Moms need to LEARN from teachers." I should have taken him more seriously when we were walking up to the preschool party and I heard him mumble, "I'm asking Sister Ann. She knows everything."

So fast forward to testimony meeting and I am starting to panic realizing there is no filter between that microphone and my intense, deep thinking son, and really no way to get him down from the stand. I don't think I took a breath during his entire testimony. He started off "I love coming to church. I know the church is real....(and then an eternally long pause, as he surveys the congregation, oh, please Trenton) and I'm glad I have a nice mom." Phew. I let my breath out in an audible gasp of relief. Oh thank goodness. I'm a nice mom. And what a nice, brief testimony.


Mary and Luke Alley said...

That's hilarious sista. Speaking of gas, remember that time we were playing Settlers up at the condo? :)

Pablo said...

I loved the story! Tell Trenton that Aunt JV and Uncle Paul miss him. We love you all. Hugs and kisses around.

Justin & Erin Linton Family said...

JULIE!! I found your BLOG!! How fun. I Think you are a very nice mom. I was hoping he was going to say something about the house situation. Did the house work out? We bought a foreclosure and fixed it up. It is a fun, ongoing project. Hope you are doing well. We miss you guys. It is fun to see your sweet kids, and family. Luke, and Anna can't grow up, They will always be small to me.:) Keep in touch. Our blog:

edenseve said...

How cute is this little guy? Reminds me of his father when he asked everyone who had a beard if he was "Baby Jesus?" Tell him that grandma loves him sooo much! ... and those other two little dolls too!

Gram Allen

Jamie said...

That had me cracking up!

Jeanne Alley said...

That's my deep-thinking pondering Trenton!! His "Choo Choo" grandma sure loves him.