Friday, January 30, 2009

Double the fun...

It started Sunday night when the cough that sends chills down every parent's spine started- the whooping, wheezing, breathing through a straw type of sound. We put our little Blake in the hot steamy bathroom and alternated with cool January air. I was determined not to have to go to the Doctor's see I had a new resolution for 2009. Doing our taxes has given us the chance to reflect on the $11,000 (!) we spent in 2008 in medical costs - on babies, backs and brothers. I can think of a lot of other areas of the economy we could have helped out with. So I am completely avoiding doctors now. Or at least I was. We made it through that sleepless night only to encounter 3 other sleepless nights before I broke...but broke a day too soon.

Yes, the first/co-pay visit this week was a glorious: "Ears look good, lungs sound clear, it's just that breathing 60 times a minute that has me concerned, let's get a Chest X-Ray. Where would you like to go for that?" To which my response was: "Wherever is the cheapest."

The x-ray was clear, but "Let's observe overnight (I bit my tongue not to say - like I have done every 30 minutes through the night for the past three nights while he laying on my chest!?) and could you come back in the morning?"

The second visit/c0-pay was - "He has a rip-roaring ear infection. Oh, look a double ear infection! Here's a prescription for Antibiotics." To which, after 4 sleepless nights, made tears of relief come to my eyes - I about jumped out the chair grabbing that precious little piece of paper. And then the promise..."You will finally get sleep tonight."

2 am last night Kali wakes up screaming, temp of 103, complaining of a tooth ache, stomach ache and sore throat. It really narrowed it down for me. The office staff at this point recognizes my caller ID, and know all my kids by name as we parade back in with all the kids in jammies. Thank goodness we didn't get the dreaded 10:00 am appointment time when no matter what is going on with your child they are PERFECT in the Dr's office at this time.

So the third visit/co-pay went something like: "She was perfect yesterday, running around, a little cough is all. Oh my - this ear is horribly infected. Oh and this one too! Sorry about that sleep promise I made you!" Double ear infections again! But I was so thrilled to get ABX on the first visit I almost started giggling!

So as I tucked my little ones in tonight we had normal breathing, no runny noses, no coughing, no crying...ahhh. So much for resolutions. Life is good.


Tonia said...

Yeah, I think you definitely had a similar week. And I agree that giving that first dose was the most fabulous thing ever! Bella slept for 10 hours straight last night for the first time all week and although Olivia woke for the day at 5:30 she at least slept all night - it was glorious. I hope your night went as well and good luck keeping the doctor bills down, $11,000 is just ridiculous!!!

Troy and Heather said...

Oh my Julie, I am so sorry. That sounds horrible. I am glad they are feeling better and hope you all continue to feel well. I hate the sick season. Isn't it awful? I spent today cleaning up Braxton's puke. I am hoping it sticks with him and doesn't spread to the rest of us. Knock on wood, right.

Sara said...

JULIE! What a cruddy week! Good for you for not being a bossy nurse mom and telling your pediatrican what to do.... mine told me last week, "I promise I know what I'm doing I DID go to medical school.." HAHAHA

Emily said...

Yikes! I guess I haven't talked to you in a few days. DOUBLE double ear-infections is more than a mom should have to endure. I hope they are both feeling better by now, and that you've had a chance to get some rest! Love you!