I have determined I am officially the last person to post a blog...I had good intentions back in November and started this blog after our trip to Florida. It was too much work downloading the pictures to not post it, so pride aside I am posting the blog I started 5 months ago and catching up on the minor events that happened since then (a new baby, a wedding, a funeral, etc.) So to all my dear friends who have asked me to blog and especially my patient husband...her we go!
I can't think of a better way to start our family blog than by describing our fabulous trip to Florida. We went to visit my brother John and his wife (aka my-new-best-friend-love-her-to-death) Emily. John is in pilot training for the Air Force in Pensacola and we aren't going to be able to see them over the holidays, so we thought we'd take a family vacation before baby #3 arrives. We got a double treat when we found out our cousin JeVonne was competing in an Ironman in Panama City Beach, so we spent some time over there too. I am blassed with a hubby who takes lots of wonderful pictures, so I'll let the pictures tell about our weekend.
The kiddos holding hands for take off (Steve always encourages Trenton to comfort Kali, help with her, protect her, etc. He knows it's his job now - pretty cute).
Kali melted into Aunt "Emmy's" arms after we landed.
We met up with JeVonne, Uncle Billy, Paul and JV's roommates and Steve passed out the T-shirts he had made to cheer on JeVonne. Steve had a blast staying the night with Uncle Bill and cheered JV on in her craziness (112 mile bike, 2 mile swim and 26 mile run!). Emily and I decided we couldn't do that in two weeks, let alone the 12 hours JV did it in. Steve made a video of her awesome feat - go to You Tube and type in JeVonne McDonald. It's great.
We went to an Irish Pub and celebrated Steve's birthday - there was a live band and he had to kiss a moose! Emily also made the most delicious Key Lime Pie and had gotten him B-Day presents. What an awesome sister-in-law we have!!!!!
As hindsight is always 20/20 - we are sooo glad we went when we did. Kali is no longer free and airline tickets are out of this world with the rising gas prices. We had such a blast...John and Emily were great hosts and it was so neat to see their lives and that part of the world. I think we'll make a goal of seeing them at least once in each place they live...hmmm, that's a fun thought!