Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Trenton was a little star in his Kindergarten play last week. It was titled "How Does Your Garden Grow?" and Trenton was the Gardener - "Herb." We've been listening to the practice music and lines for a couple of months so Blake, Kali and I have all the words and songs memorized along with Trenton. His teacher is incredible with these little guys and had everything so well rehearsed there was not a single mistake - it's amazing what they're capable of when given the chance.

We were blessed to have Aunt Sandy and Uncle Art attend and we made a special night out of it by going to Texas Roadhouse for dinner.

Getting ready for the big moment. I asked if he was excited for the play and much to Daddy's relief he answered: "Well, kind of but I'm really excited for field day!"

The last track of the play always made me tear up when I think about how precious and important this time is 'growing' our little ones. It was no different during the play:

"How will you do when it's all up to you?
How will you let them know?
Tell me, how will you care? Will you love, will you share?
How does your garden grow?"

Trenton and our beloved Mrs. Roberts. We feel so blessed to be at this school with such an incredible teacher.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Our final trip was to Pagosa Springs for a Basketball Tournament. A family we go to church with, the Ross family, lost two of their adult sons in a plane crash and set up a Memorial Basketball Tournament in their name. It raises money for a scholarship to be given out and it's a lot of fun. Steve's team "The Heat" won first place in their division - yea! This is Steve & his good friend and basketball buddy, Russ, displaying the championship jackets.

They had lots of games for the kids - this is Trenton in the shoot-off. The little guy who won only made one out of five baskets, but Trenton shed a few tears after not making any baskets. Tough lesson for my little perfectionist.

The championship team!

Dad's number one fans - with Blake holding his ever loving 'saketball.' The child is absolutely obsessed with basketball - the balls the game, the shorts, you name it - he LOVES it!

Some of the Ross cousins showing their support - this loud, enthusiastic fan base didn't give the other teams a chance. They were hilarious - I'm just glad we were on their team!

We rented out a beautiful home for the weekend with 4 other families with a huge forest to play in. In between games, Shelly (Russ's wife) and I cooked and chatted together, the kids played together, and it was a really nice weekend.

On the way home we stopped at 'Coney Island' in Bailey, CO. We were driving through the beautiful mountains and came upon a hot dog stand shaped like a huge hot dog with a 'boardwalk' next to a river. It was the coolest place and of course we couldn't resist stopping. I guess it's well known and moved from Conifer to Bailey a few years ago, but it was our first trip to it. We'll definately be going back!