His birthday started with breakfast in bed provided by big sister Kali. She brought up a bottle of water, applesauce and goldfish snacks.
That evening we celebrated by inviting our family away from family over for dinner and birthday cake - the Norris's, Walker's and Willis's. I wanted to be surrounded by the people we loved on this day and stay busy. Really - I felt like I was bidding farewell to his babyhood.
He had no desire to touch the cake and when he finally did with some encouragement from Katie and Kali he just wanted to get that sticky frosting off of his fingers! He may have never tasted the cake if Katie hadn't fed him a bite. Once he got a taste he enjoyed quite a few more bites.
A few things about Cameron's first year:
*He hit his milestones right on time. He started smiling at 4 weeks, sitting up at 5 months, crawling at 8 months and surprised me by walking at 12 months. Both of my boys walked at 14 months, so I thought he'd be a bit later, but having a couple of fun push toys to push around the house (and more space to actually practice walking) got him walking a bit quicker I think. Not to mention 3 older siblings that are just too fun to not keep up with.
*He was sleeping through the night at 9 months, once we moved him out of our closet into his room (after Aunt Anna went to school) and now sleeps 13 hours every night. Would he have slept through the night earlier if he'd been in his own room? I'm pretty sure he would have. Or we just wouldn't have heard him. Never mind that Steve discovered the monitor was off after his second night in his own room. Whoops - that might have done it! Although his brothers and sisters who sleep close to his room definitely hear him if he cries. So I like to think he was sleeping all through the night. I was a new person when I started getting 6-8 hours of sleep in a row. It had been almost a year since that had happened. Remembering the exhaustion makes me shudder. Angel baby. He likes to go down with a story, a Primary song and his pacifier.
*He is almost 15 months right now and we are still nursing (just 2x a day) due to his milk protein allergy. I am also soooo sad that is coming to an end. When he was diagnosed at 5 months, the thought of making it to a year overwhelmed me. I can't believe we have made it 15 months. Nursing has gone really well. He's a champ at going back and forth to the bottle with work, Girls Camp, Youth Conference, callings....miracle we've made it this long. He's taking Almond Milk with a bit of Canola Oil (to make up for the fat in whole milk he would need for brain development) 2x a day & eating protein every meal and will go to that exclusively when nursing is over until 18 months when he can try whole milk without a risk of going into shock.
* His first word was "dog" (gog-dog-gog-dog) followed by "da-da" "ma-ma"& "hot".
*He understands so much and is quick to obey - close the door, fold your arms, put this in the trash. I love it.
*He was fascinated with his hands - ANY hands - as a baby. He would stare, turn his hands back and forth slowly and just watch and watch. My hand slowly closing and opening was better than any rattle. Popping fingers up and down kept him enthralled for minutes at a time.
*He adores his siblings. He still seems to find the most fun & humor with Blake, trust and learning with Trenton and nurturing & consoling with Kali. We love watching them interact.
*He was also enthralled with my iPhone - he could swipe it on and off with his thumb at 9 months. I am happy to say he has lost interest in the iPhone since Steve put a lock with a password on it.
*His favorite foods are mandarin oranges, green beans, bananas, eggs, broccoli-cheese-soup...he's a really good eater.
* I am so happy and excited to see him every morning. I love him so deeply it hurts sometimes. We are forever grateful to have this little spirit in our home!