Our second year with this little man flew even faster than the first, which I didn't think was possible. How I have adored every minute with this little boy. He has such a tender, relaxed, go with the flow personality that makes him delightful to be with. I feel like we understand each other's hearts and have a special little relationship. A few things about his second year...
I nursed him until he was 15 months old, and as usual weaning was very sad. I'll never forget the first time we walked into the room we usually nursed in and Cameron reached for the bed to nurse. When we walked out without nursing he fussed quite a bit and my heart broke into a million pieces. He had a milk allergy until 18 months, so after I weaned him he drank rice milk mixed with canola oil. I also had to make sure he got enough protein. I spoke with a pediatric dietician and made sure he ate eggs, cheese, beans, peanut butter, etc to make sure his little brain got all the fat and protein he needed. He started whole milk at 18 months without a problem!
He had his first haircut when he was about 19 months old. I didn't want to get rid of the precious curls, but it did look better afterwards:
This little guy LOVES to keep up with the big kids/people. He runs with them, laughs at the jokes they are saying, tries to tell his own jokes, jumps on the tramp with them and wants to be one of them. He loves to use his vacuum we found at a garage sale that turns on while I am vacuuming. He'll vacuum with me for hours. As soon as I get the vacuum out, he runs to the closet and hurries to turn his on and work with me.
He has spent a lot of time in the car being #4, shuttling big brothers and sisters to school, sports, music and church activities. He travels like a champ and keeps entertained with books, jokes, watching for his beloved "horsies" out the window and videos. His favorite for months was Winnie the Pooh, but now his two favorite are Bolt and "Mater" (Cars).
I think he fell in love with "horsies" at a class field trip for Blake's preschool class when he got a chance to sit on one. Ever since then he's been pretty smitten.
He has a special love and relationship for his "sissy". She would like to keep him a baby forever and cherishes any moment he will snuggle her of love her. When he has to go to time out, he reaches for her (or Blake or Trenton) and calls "Sissy, sissy help!" Kali stands ever ready to coddle him, and will often stand at the doorway talking him through the timeout and counting down the time for him :).
A few of his phrases are "I want it!" (Iwanit) or "I-don't-want-it" (Inowanit). When asked a question he responds with a chipper "Sure!" If he wants a piece of candy it goes something like this: "Caneecaneecanee peeeees!" He surprised me today by counting to 10 all by himself! We've worked on numbers and letters, but I was pleasantly surprised. He never says yes - he response in the affirmative is "uh." He says no, but only "uh" for yes. It confuses most people until they get to know him :).
He loves all things trucks, trains, and cars and we rarely see him around the house without one in his hands. He loves to drive his cars all over anything (bumpers, chairs, people, beds). You can be his best friend by just sitting with him and "driving" a little car all over with him.
His other love is riding his tricycle. He sits on the seat and just pushes himself along the road by shuffling his little feet on the ground. It is so darn cute and he'll do it for hours if we let him. He love to ride around the block - over and over and over. It is pretty tricky trying to get him to come back in the house.
He loves his pacifier, which he has coined the term "Fa-ho" for. We give him quite a reaction when he pops two at a time in his mouth and grins at us - it's dang cute! We weaned the Fa-ho this past week, and he asks for it a few times a day, but then has been able to sleep without it (crossing our fingers it continues to go this smoothly).
Unfortunately he will not ride in strollers or shopping carts. Period. At all. This makes shopping with him, well - a nightmare. I try to avoid it at all costs. He has fussed and climed out of strollers as long as I can remember. We've had a few "you-will-stay-in-the-shopping-cart-and-learn" attempts and they end with him screaming and crying the entire 45 minutes. When he makes up his mind... Not worth the struggle. It's not pretty. His latest thing is insisting on pushing the shopping cart. That works about as well as you can imagine.
His birthday was so much fun to celebrate! The kids made him breakfast in bed and delivered it all together. Trenton insisted on turning a little pot I had into a "Honey Pot" for Cameron as he just adored Winnie the Pooh.
The honey pot was the highlight of cameron's day. He played with it all day long and whenever he sees it months later he still points and says: "Honey Pot!"
We threw a Winnie the Pooh Birthday Party for him & found all the stuffed characters at a local thrift shop. We were so excited to see his face as he opened each one and he did not disappoint! Man did he love his little characters.
We ended the day by taking the whole family to Chuck E Cheese - the kids thought it was a fabulous way to celebrate Cameron's birthday!
This little guy has brought so much joy and love into our home. I thank Heavenly Father every day for his easy going, happy, delightful personality. He is a treasure from heaven!