Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Movin' out!

After a loooong week with little sleep and lots of helping hands we are out of our old house! We are staying with our dear (saints of) friends up the street from our old house and still awaiting news from Countrywide. We are keeping our same mailing address and cell phone numbers for those of you who want to get ahold of us.

Can I take a moment to say that moving made it to my Top Ten Least Favorite Things to do. As a seasoned mover put it to me toady, it is a true "bane of existence." Our things just kept multiplying! When we thought we were close to done, things just kept appearing! The trash and Goodwill piles were my friends. Of course at the end, you just want everything gone - out of your site.

Some of favorite lines of the past week:

Trenton: "Mom, how did my swimming noodle end up in the trash AGAIN?!" On my fifth attempt.

My mom: "Well, honey...I've moved 33 times, but we always had a house to move into." Thanks, Mom.

Sweet Kali: After walking into the empty house "But how am I going EAT and SIT to eat without my TABLE and CHAIRS?!" With her little hands, palms up and her jaw dropped open. My girl knows what's important in life.

Jill: "I'm taking your kids tomorrow. Yes, all of them. Don't tell me no."

Stacey: "I'll be there at 8:00 to help pack. Be ready." My ultra organized, ultra clean friend.

Stacey: "JULIE!!!!" Yes, the same ultra clean friend. Heard multiple times during the move as each piece of furniture was lifted to reveal, oh I don't know, year old crumbs/clutter. Then she ran for the vacum. Repeatedly.

Steve :"I'll be home to take the kids for 2 hours. Can I bring you lunch?" You saint of a husband.

The Elder's Quorum President: After closing the door on our storage unit "Just let us know when you're ready to do it again." Dang it. Did he have to bring that up?

My Mom: "Anytime." After driving her to the airport and thanking her for coming and bringing ALL of her help and love over the weekend.

The Willis Family: "Hi. We're here to help. We don't care what you say." Last night at 9:00, the final push before our renters moved in, they knock on the door after being repeatedly told not to come help clean...and helped clean for two hours, not leaving my side until we walked out with a spotless empty house. Who walked out by my side, preventing the tears from falling, leaving the first house we've owned, the kitchen Steve put in for me the week I was at girls camp, the swings I've pushed all my babies, the tulip bed we've added to each year.

Our Renters: While giving them last minute instructions, I must have sounded worried :) "Don't worry. We'll take good care of your house.


Amanda said...

Remember when I helped you move that one time? I made you throw half your stuff in the trash. It sure was painful for you! :) Good luck with your new home and the wait in the meantime!!

Tonia said...

What a nightmare of a week for you! I'm glad that you have someplace to go for now and I hope you hear about the new home soon. Good luck!

KT said...

Isn't how interesting how the stuff matters the least when we have to move it?
I think that I am just going to have to keep learning how to take matter unorganized and organize it. Unfortunately this is NOT my talent. UGH.

Mom Alley said...

Wish I had my camera when...all those guys were carrying the trampoline up the street and when the children saw the empty house. Once again the ward showered you with love and service. You worked your little buns off. Give those babies a big squeeze. Love You

kellie said...

You forgot...Kellie: Sorry, I couldn't make it, we had a birthday party. So sad.

I did tell Brooke that I would come over and play awesome games with you guys.

I always tell Stacey, not to judge me and she replies, "Don't you think I would have done that by now?". Ultra clean friends do come in handy and that is why we love her.

Amanda B. said...

Moving is so horrible, isn't it???!!

I'm so glad you have great friends there to help you. I have learned that kind friends truly make all the difference during a stressful time. You have taught me that yourself on many occasions. Thanks!

We are crossing our fingers that you will be in your own house soon!!

Emily said...

I know it sounds crazy, but this post has me crying. I have so many memories associated with your house I didn't even realize. It's where I first met you; where I stayed with I came to visit John in IFS; where we stayed the night of our Open House after our wedding as a married couple; and a place of refuge after John passed away when I needed to get away. Your home always was filled with love and that has meant so much to me. I feel like some homes really have a soul -- and yours does. So thank you, home, for being there for me. I will miss you.

Jamie said...

Good luck on your new adventure Julie!