Tickets were purchased, Sandy and Art and my dear friend Heather agreed to help with the little ones, Valentine's boxes were made for parties I'd miss, prayers were offered for Steve's survival, and talks were written to be given without me :(. Leaving was harder than ever, but when I walked into the airport to catch my flight...I was ready and excited.
JeVonne & Uncle Bill picked me up from the airport that night - always a sweet reunion. We made plans for the next few days and agreed upon going to go to water aerobics the next morning with Bill and Diane - it's easy on Aunt Diane's back and very fun. We were on the younger end and only got a few glares from the Grandmas brought on by Uncle Bill's incessant splashing as hard as he could at anyone he knew, especially Aunt Diane. This continued even after she reminded him these ladies paid to get their hair done once a week, honey, please be careful. If anything he picked up the pace on thoroughly soaking all of us. After a delightful nap, Jamie joined us at Bill and Diane's and we discussed at length how to fit in a very kind offer from Bill and Diane to take us to Cheesecake Factory (which we managed to fit in the next day between a HUGE mushroom-pepper-omelet -hashbrown-canadian-bacon-french toast-feast at 11 and a gourmet sit down dinner reception peel & eat shrimp-chicken cordon bleu-beans-rice-cupcakes-sugar cookies at 7. Yes, we gorged ourselves).
For a moment we were on the bed; it was a late night with a big day ahead of us, but it didn't stop us from living in the moment, putting aside the pain the morning wake up would bring. Believing that 4 brains was better than one, laughing our heads off and talking ourselves into circles with it all making complete sense at the time. Each taking turns with a productive thought at 11:30 at night, rarely at the same time, but knowing productivity was only part of the goal. And it all reminding us of so many nights together, 10 years ago.
Jeanette asked us to perform a special little number at the reception - anything for the bride - so we proceeded to blast "All the Single Ladies" by Beyonce, practicing moves our husbands would have been thrilled with, and playing the music video over and over again. You're welcome to take a look at it on You Tube to get the whole picture:
We were laughing so hard tears were coming. Forgetting there were sleeping children in the house. Planning on picking up leotards and heels to perform at the reception. Throwing all pride out the window. And for a moment becoming 19 again, going crazy with your best girlfriends and not caring an ounce. After one hour of practicing I think we had about 4 of Beyonce's moves down. It's harder than it looks people.
We went home late that night (or early that next morning, however you look at it) and thought a little snack sounded good. Bill and Diane put out a spread of fruit, veggies, hummus, crackers, cheese, etc and for a moment we shared our lives. Reflected on relationships, blessings, trials, finances, children, houses, etc until 3:30 in the morning. I remembered how much I learn from these girls. How every time we're together we come away stronger, wiser and happier.
I laid down that night and in a moment (and with a big smile) realized there was no 6:45 wake up from little children needing, needing, needing. No daily tasks to set about doing: breakfast, dishes, diapers, laundry. A break. And when that much anticipated wake up moment came and I could do whatever I chose at whatever time I wanted...
I missed my little ones.
I listened to the sealers words about being a man with dishpan hands, being a mother who recognizes how quickly time goes with your little ones and making good decisions about being with them. And for a moment I was transported back to my own sealing and how naively I looked across the altar, simply madly in love, and had no idea what a blessing in my life this man would become. The words of this wise sealer meant so much more now. I looked at this new couple and thought of how the past ten years had refined and strengthened my marriage, and was grateful for the fabulous decision I made!
The reception that night was gorgeous - it was a sit down dinner with dancing afterwards. The three of us had the privledge of seating people, which proved to be an adventure as none of us knew anyone or any background. We put on our very best host faces and really enjoyed getting to know Jeanette's delightful friends and family.
And in case you're wondering how "All the Single Ladies" went, we did not disappoint (well except maybe for Aunt Diane, who after all our talking it up, really thought there would be a choreographed performance):
The next day we wanted to help Jeanette get on her honeymoon quickly so we went over to their apartment to make it spic and span after the chaotic week of the wedding. Poor Zack looked at us like we were crazy when we offered to clean their apartment (they had been married for 6 weeks - he is a convert so they got married so his family could be a part of it, then got sealed after he'd been a member for a year.) I'm supposed to let who do what?! Jeanette looked pulled between her poor confused husband and her roommate/sisters who did this for each other all the time - this is just what we do for each other!-, but after compromising and promising to leave their room alone we got the key! It's always easier to clean someone else's house and we were all transported back to our college days and our differing levels of tidiness. JeVonne makes sure to kindly compliment me on how I've improved over the years, but I know deep down I'll never be a Jamie :).
I caught my flight home and couldn't wait to see my babies and my man. I'll never forget the kids running to greet me at the airport, in their footed jammies, in the freezing cold. I was surprised with homemade Valentines, beautiful flowers and a spotless house (that part wasn't so surprising - Steve is so good about having the kiddos help 'clean for mom').
Love you girls!!! Thank you for the moments!