Monday, August 15, 2011

Watch out World

 That bittersweet time of year has come when summer has ended and structure, routine and alarm clocks rule once again.  I can't express how grateful we are we had 6 weeks of summer sleep ins to adjust to 'sleepless nights' with baby Cameron.  I am equally as grateful it is now time to send these kiddos off and have the occasional fighting and end-of-summer boredom come to an end.  Tis the bittersweet life of parenthood.
 They were both pretty excited to meet their teachers the week before.  Trenton loved going back to school and had a huge grin on his face walking from room to room and around 'his halls.'
 And Miss Kali was a bit nervous, but excited beyond belief to be starting Kindergarten!!!  This next picture sums it up!  She was dressed, ready to go knocking on our door to make sure we were up and at 'em.  That's my girl.

How did I feel sending her off?  I can't begin to express how much I will miss this little one and her never ending help.  She is a playmate and a teacher to Blake and an incredible help to me.  I understand why girls weren't educated back in the day - I wasn't sure what I was going to do without her!  But when the day came I felt so excited. It's as if I couldn't wait to share with the world what an amazing little girl she is and let someone else know the secret of all she has to offer.  All I could think was "Watch out World - Here She Comes!"

 She jumped right in line without a tear.  Steve was there sending off his little girl who he ADORES and snapping great shots every step of the way.  Her teacher is on the right in this next picture - and yes, she is as sweet a Southern Belle as she looks.
 It was precious to see how many tears there were from the parents - especially the dads.    One little girl was sobbing, which cued a few more to sob.  Well this broke the parents hearts outside so THEY started sobbing.  I'll never forget watching the teacher teaching the class to deep breathe after the fiasco.  Pretty sweet. 
No, Steve & I didn't shed any tears but I did have to get one last peek at my girl before I shared her with the world.  She's going to do great!!!


Jenna said...

back to school photos are some of the best to look back on.

Piper said...

I was just taking pictures of my 2 oldest (Gable's a Senior)this morning as they went off to their first day of school and as i looked through the camera I flashed back to the same picture taken of them about 12 years ago....oh how the time flies! Love the beautiful shots of your baby and the sentiment - I think I'll go have a good cry now :)

Jeanne Alley said...

Another milestone reached and the opening of a new chapter. Doesn't seem possible our little Kali is in school sharing the excitement with her handsome big brother. Indeed the major adjustment is for those at home.