Saturday, November 19, 2011

Trenton's 8th Brithday

My sweet Trenton boy turned 8 years old on September 26th this year.  I can't believe I have an 8 year old.  And how blessed I feel to have this one!  The day started with his favorite tradition - a big old breakfast in bed.
 Sandy and Art invited us over the Sunday before for a birthday dinner for this special boy.  They also saved the day of the birthday party by taking the kids for a few hours while I put the finishing touches on the party.
 Trenton chose a theme for his birthday months ago - EGYPT!  I was slightly intimidated by the choice, but with some help from friends and an awesome Aunt Anna it came together beautifully.  His request for a pyramid cake went something like this "Ya, it shouldn't be hard, Mom.  It's just layers and layers and then you just cut it."  Mmm-hmm.  It was certainly an experience making the cake (the shot above was at one in the morning :) ), but I did learn some things.  I thought it turned out great!
 Our good friend Riley let us borrow her Egypt Play Mobil pieces which put the finishing touches on the cake.  It was awesome.
 Anna dressed up as Cleopatra and led a treasure hunt, which included petting the live snake you see in her left hand.  Steve caught the snake for the kids a week prior on a hike.  We managed to keep Sara the snake alive and contained for a week prior to the party, despite multiple escape attempts at the hands of Blake!
 Anna also braided Kali's hair to turn her into Cleopatra.

Steve did some awesome hieroglyphics on the wall for decoration.

 We let him invite a few more friends than normal, so while it was a busy party, it was a great one.  He got to see some friends from our old ward he hasn't seen in a while, a lot of friends from school and friends from this ward.  It was a great celebration.


Mom Alley said...

Wow, times have changed. You got a flat cake for your birthdays. You all did an amazing job. He will always remember this fun time. Love, Mom

Amanda B. said...

You are my HERO. Egypt themed party?? So creative.