Friday, June 26, 2009

Home Sweet Home

She signed! Yay! And we moved in three hours later and have been busy unpacking and cleaning and sorting and reveling in our new home ever since. What a blessing. What a relief. It's happy days at the will follow as soon as we get our feet on the ground :).


Tonia said...

Yay! Congrats!

Amanda B. said...

What a relief!! Can't wait to see pictures. Good luck getting settled in.

Jamie said...

after the previous post I was hoping for this one to soon follow! Congrats and good luck!

nathansara said...

congrats. that is good news to hear. we know what it feels like waiting for the short sale to come through. ours never did so we went for another house. can't wait to see the pictures.

Cristi said...

Hey Julie! Just became friends with Steve on facebook and found your blog! I'll send you an invite to ours! Lots of love! cristi