Sunday, December 6, 2009

Trenton's First Fast

Kind of.

This morning as I was getting breakfast ready for the kids I mentioned it was fast Sunday (we don't eat 2 meals, fast with a purpose in mind and donate the money from the meals to those is need. It brings me such inspiration and I truly miss it when I'm pregnant. Like I miss everything else, but that's another blog). Trenton piped up - "Oh, I need to not eat 2 meals, huh, Mom?" I explained he was welcome to fast if he'd like, but I thought we could start when he was 8 years old. He ate every bite of breakfast and we headed to church.

I picked him up from his class and his teacher handed me a tangerine.

Teacher: "Trenton was fasting."
Me: "Excuse me?"
T: "He said he couldn't eat this because he was fasting. I felt bad he didn't get the treat, so I wanted to send it with you for...when his fast is over, I guess."

Later in the car I asked for some clarification.

Me:"So, Trenton. Did you decide to fast today?"
Trenton: (munching on a bag of M&M's shared by Kali from her Christmas Advent Candy calendar made in Primary. Shared 8 days too early before I could stop her) "Yup, I did."
Me: "But you're eating now."
Trenton: "Yea, I fasted during ALL of church, Mom. It was my first fast."

I smiled all the way home.


Stacey said...

very funny and very Trenton

Dan and Katie said...

Emily posted the link in her blog...You have a blog!!! That is the cutest story about Trenton, seriously! Sounds like you had a fantastic Thanksgiving, hope all is well for you and all the Alley's. I think about you guys often.

Piper said...

Very sweet! Great memories!

Jenny said...

Wait until he does turn eight. Every fast Sunday, Madelyn fasts breakfast. We're having her work up to more than that. But every time it's fast Sunday, she worries that she'll waste away before noon comes. Then afterward, she talks about how great it is to fast and how glad she's able to do it. At least she's willing to do it at all!

edenseve said...

love that little boy.... he has an amazing spirit, I can't wait to watch him grow.