The next weekend we had a mini family reunion in Lander WY with the kids other Great Grandpa Poljanec and his three daughters - Mom, Aunt Deb and Aunt Sandy. Steve surprised me at the last minute and said he could come...ok it was past the last minute, I was 30 minutes down the road and he figured out a virus at work, so he jumped in the car with nothing packed and we had an AWESOME weekend with Dad there to help!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
On the Road...
I have out of blogging land for a while due to our EXTENSIVE travels lately. As a family we logged over 3,000 miles of driving in the last month. The kids are pretty good travelers and we've figured out a system for long trips, but I'm glad to be home! We had so much fun on our three trips and the timing just happened to squish three great trips into 4 weeks. Our first trip was to see my family over Spring Break...

We started by spending the night at my Grandma's house in Laramie, where she spoiled us with all of her love and a 'big breakfast' made especially for Trenton. She always made me feel so individually special as a child, and I can't get over how blessed we are to have her doing the same for our children, a generation later, and how it just boosts their little self-esteem.
We started by spending the night at my Grandma's house in Laramie, where she spoiled us with all of her love and a 'big breakfast' made especially for Trenton. She always made me feel so individually special as a child, and I can't get over how blessed we are to have her doing the same for our children, a generation later, and how it just boosts their little self-esteem.
I-80 opened in time for us to make it to Luke's birthday party that night with Emily and Johnny, Mom & Dad, Anna, Ryker, Luke, Mary & Paul, JeVonne and Raquel. It was a great night.
On Monday Trenton and Kali stayed with their cousins at Tina and John's house and had a blast, while the rest of us drove to Aunt Adeline's funeral. She was 91 and the last living sibling of the Alley kids, my Grandpa Alley's sister. It was neat going back to my roots and hearing about the Alley Cowboy Compensatory Power. The Alleys grew up on a ranch without much, but all proved very successful in life. My Grandpa, for example, earned his Doctorate and taught at the University of WY. They mentioned how Adeline and all Alley women have 'Compensatory Power' like the horses on the plains that weren't pampered in life, so they grew up to be much stronger and eventually successful than those who were given everything in life.
We squeezed in a visit to Great Grandpa McDonald, but had to end up limiting our visits as Blake got a ridiculous cough that would last all night long. I was exhausted by the end of the week with no sleep due to his coughing, but don't regret one minute of going out there. Dad and Mom treated us to Chinese food the last night and I looked around thinking how I just didn't want to leave my family. It was a great trip!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Puppy Love
I finally gave into a dog for countless reasons, but mainly it's for my children. When asked to draw a picture of their pet in Kindergarten I watched Trenton draw a picture of his 2 fish on his dresser that died a year ago. That made me a bit sad. I read children's reports on "Why I am Lucky" and saw most of them listing a pet. Then there was the well child visit with the pediatrician asking: "And how many pets do you have?" "None," I answer firmly, and she puts her pen down and stares at me... "None? None at all" She studies my face for a minute then says, "Wow." And it went on and on. So when Steve suggested it, I went back and forth on it for months. My plate is pretty full with kiddos, work, volunteering, family/friends and church and I wanted to give her the best home possible. But thanks to lots of help from Steve it's been awesome - and she is so precious!
We love her in our own ways:
Blake - His low manly voice goes up about 3 octaves when he says "Hi Abby, Hi Abby, Hi Abby." He is constantly asking to "pepper" (pet her) and for the most part has been very gentle with her. She changes his tears to a big smile in about 2 seconds. It's magic.
Kali - She thinks her baby has finally arrived and insists on carrying her EVERYWHERE, rocking her, covering her with a blanket when she's asleep, and attending to her every need. I know when Kali has her she will be watched like a hawk (and will have wood chips, etc. taken out of her mouth without a problem). She shows her off like a newborn also, a proud little mama. Calls her Abby Cottonball.
Trenton - In 48 hours Abby already knows him as her playmate and loves to run around the yard with him. I think she's slightly relieved Trenton doesn't care to carry Abby ANYwhere, and he constantly is telling Kali "Just put her down and leave her alone for a minute!"
Mom - My first dog EVER (After being married for 10 years Steve asks: 'did you really not have a dog growing up?!')! After the first sleepless night was rescued by Dad who took came home from work to save the day & help train Mom/Abby in all ways puppy. I am amazed how horrible the first night was (non-stop yelling/barking/yapping missing her family of course) to how well she has now adapted to her crate with a little bit of loving guidance. Didn't hear one little yap in just 24 hours - way to go Abby! Love how my children absolutely light up with her, and love how soft and cuddly she is. Grateful for all the puppy advice from friends and family. Love that she is doing so well with potty training, has taken great to her crate and special room (our pantry with a baby gate & toys to keep her safe and happy when I am otherwise occupied) and love that she loves me. Especially am grateful for Dad asking me to please wake him up so he can get her if he doesn't hear her calling, for the much needed first day 'nap,' taking her to her first vet appt and teaching me in his patient way.
Dad - Taking the lead in an expert way with our new little one. Researching and making the puppy transition delightful. Thank you!!! I loved watching her fall asleep on his chest. As I cannot claim one ounce of this sweetheart as my idea, except that I didn't forcefully put my foot down at the suggestion; I must say father knows best.
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