Saturday, March 31, 2012

Christmas in Maui

 Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were so special with all our McDonald cousins.  We held the Nativity Scene on Christmas Eve with the cast of characters determined by random drawing, gender is not factored in :).  Little Miss Kali thought life would surely not go on if she could not be Mary to the teeny tiny William, Due Dec 18th but born in Oct at 32 weeks!  With a tiny bit of guidance from William's wonderful mom Kali happened to draw Mary and her Christmas dream came true. 

 She rode the unruly donkey (played annually by Uncle Billy) and was led by Joseph JeVonne.

 Sweet Blake was King Herod

 The entire Cast and Crew - I think the little sheep were my favorite!

 Bill and Diane found a family on Maui we could be "Secret Santa" to and boy did we have fun with those gifts.  They had four children the exact ages of our children and it was wonderful to share true Christmas magic with them.

 We had a cousin gift exchange that was precious - this is Raquel thanking Trenton for her gift.  The kids were wonderfully patient as we went to church Christmas morning and opened presents when we returned.  We asked Santa to leave the big gifts at home and just deliver the stockings and he kindly obliged :).  The focus was definitely on being together - soooo much better than excess piles of toys, etc that are quickly forgotten.  I think we'll make "less is more" a tradition.

I just love this picture of William all precious in a stocking.  Little Angel.


Mom Alley said...

Such a wonderful family tradition. Glad you were blessed to get to go to Hawaii. Love you!

Jeanne Alley said...

How special for the additional chapter to a wonderful story. How I love technology that is my privilege to match with actually being together often.