Bill and Diane talked on the trip about how good things don't just happen - it takes deliberate planning and a purpose. I imagined them having a vision for this trip since before they had children and have worked very hard and sacrificed for a lot of their lives to make it happen.
They had a scripture for the trip they encouraged us all to memorize:
Moses 7:18 "And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and of one mind, and dwelt in righteousness and there were no poor among them."
Even the little ones were encouraged to memorize it and rewarded with $2 if they were able to tell Nona and Papa the scripture. I remember Uncle Billy asking at the end of each day "Were we of one heart? Were we of one mind? Did we dwell in righteousness?" I love that that's what life is about, and that is truly what becoming Zion is about.
They assigned nightly devotional topics - including becoming one in marriage, in your home, financial oneness, etc. The girls were in charge of the first FHE and the boys were in charge of the second FHE. This picture is Uncle Billy leading us in the business of the following day.
Many hours of the day were spent like this - with little ones gathered around Nona, while she read, played with or fed little mouths.
Evening meals were also assigned based on Costco food items - of which there are endless options, let me tell you! Bill and Diane did a number of Costco runs to feed the whole crew. And the food was gourmet! This was Christmas Eve dinner - Diane and Bill were in charge and did French Dip sandwiches on the Ciabatta rolls. Oh my!
This was the daddies & uncles doing the activity for their FHE. Horsey races! I love Kali's face riding Steve - they were out to win! I love how Mugs had two riders :).
And when Nona and Papa weren't organizing some logistical miracle this is how you found them. With a little one in their arms or by their side. Their love for children is amazing. The amazing thing is children feel it and respond. My kids are never better behaved than when they are around Nona and Papa. I feel this is because they are loved, nurtured, taught, and respected at every step of the way. There was never a voice raised the entire vacation, never a child disciplined harshly. And the kids respond to that - they are given an environment where they can thrive.
This picture is so symbolic to me. We had buried Aunt Diane as a mermaid, and her little granddaughters quickly followed suite, wanting to be just like their Nona. I love how she is looking over at them with a big smile on her face. I imagine them smiling after a lifetime of diligent hard work, watching their posterity make good choices to grow up to be just like them!
Moses 7:18 What a beautiful scripture that shows unselfish love, support and togetherness of family. Love this continuation of a true story of what "family" is that results from example of Nona and Papa. Will look forward to more.
Wow, this is awesome! What a great family! Can't wait to hear more about your trip.
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