Sunday, March 29, 2009

Snow Fun!

We got an awesome Colorado spring blizzard - the kind where it falls fast and hard and the next day it's warm and sunshine-y and perfect for playing! The day of the blizzard Oralabs sent their employees home early so they could make it home safe - Steve made his commute home without incident - and we made cookies and stayed warm inside catching up on reality shows :). The next afternoon we PLAYED! It was one of the funnest days we've ever had. The beauty of Colorado storms is that today we were wearing short sleeves and the snow was completely melted. Lovin' it.

Five is the magic age for sledding - Trenton was giddy!

We taught the kids how to make snow angels.

Blake love riding up the hill in style. Every trip up the hill he laid back and closed his eyes and soaked in the sun.
This was our first snowman of the year - "Frosty"

While rolling the middle I forgot we had to lift it on.
It took us four tries I was laughing so hard.


edenseve said...

Thanks so much, Julie! What a joy to see you all having such a special day.
Trenton is clearly having a wonderful time!!! I just love that sledding picture.
Kali is just the perfect little snow angel.
And Blake looks sooooo cold! What a cutie!

I love you all.....

Grandma Allen

Troy and Heather said...

How fun. Love the pictures. I haven't even taken my kids sledding yet this year. I am always thinking it feels so much warmer inside.

Mary and Luke Alley said...

dear julie. nice pictures. love luke.

Amanda B. said...

Hey Julie- Fun pictures of your kids in the snow. Your first snowman?! Only 9 more to go to catch up with us! :) We didn't book the trip yet. We might have a change of plans. I'll have to email you again. Oh, and I can't believe how long Kali's hair is getting. My girls have the same cute princess dress that she is wearing. :)