Saturday, January 9, 2010

An Update

I've had many people ask how the husband from the cath lab is doing.  When I came to work Thursday I was thrilled to see I got to take care of him!!!  He had made it through surgery, through 3 days in the ICU, and was now in my hands :).  His wife came in and saw me and screamed and threw her arms around me - "Julie!"  I did the same to her.  It was a sweet reunion.  He had an external pacemaker due to the damage done to his heart and the day I cared for him he got a permanent pacemaker.  4 of his vessels were 98% occluded and when he arrested he had to be shocked 4 times, so I called him the Miracle Man all day.  Unfortunately he felt the last two shocks and is suffering a bit of PTSD, but he and his wife were beyond grateful he was alive.  He had an out of body experience - he was in his 30's standing above his body watching himself be shocked. His wife said - "We brought you back.  They didn't want you up there yet."  He was walking well, talking well and slowly beginning to feel human again.  It was an awesome day.  I love my job.


andre said...

Your last post was a great reminder of how fragile life is and how quickly things can change. I'm glad to hear that man is doing well and I hope he has a great recovery.

Thanks for sharing and reminding me to hug my loved ones a little tighter!

Tonia said...

That last post was actually from me, Andre was just signed in :)