Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Baby

Is our baby really two? I just keep saying, "How did I forget what a delightful age this is?" (to which I promptly get the answer: You're not due with the next one in a month for the first time!) Blake has been an absolute delight and blessing in our family - I loved celebrating this little guy's birth. We had the Norris family over and had Baked Ziti and Death by Chocolate Cake which just happens to be Mommy AND Blake's favorite cake.

Opening Grandma and Grandpa's present with a little help from big sister.

And this next one is my favorite face :). I suppose he has an idea of how great money is from his big brother. He opens these cards and says: "Card! Money!"



At two years old:

*Blake still mainly speaks with one word sentences, but very efficient words. Steve took Trenton & Kali to a play date and Blake stayed home with me, looking rather dejected. He asked:
"He went to play."
"She went to play."
He put his little hand on his chest, pouted his little lip and said, "Blake?" Ohhhh.

*Blake likes to know where everyone is asking for everyone's story by name. "Daddy? Work. Trenton? School," etc.

*He asks for five very specific things at bed time & nap time: "Song? Blanky? Fan? Bear? Book?" When I tuck him in he has a scared little look, but clings to his blanky and bear and bravely falls asleep.

*His favorite song is "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam"

*He was a light eater for the first 23 1/2 months of his life but his appetite is incredible lately. He ate 7 bowls of cereal the other morning and 5 servings of Ziti on his birthday!

*He loves when his big sister 'babies' him. Pushes his stroller, puts a blanket on him, changes his (wet only) diaper. He relaxes his body and gets this little content 'being taken care of' smile on his face.

*Loves it when I whistle at him after he gets dressed - he does this little dance and turns in a circle.

*Loves to wear hats

*Is extremely brave & adventurous and has lately taken up jumping from high furniture without a second thought and loves to ride on Daddy's shoulders without hands

*Wrinkles his little nose when he makes a joke.

*Raises his eyebrows so high we think they'll come off his little forehead

*Pouts his lip when he gets sad

*Pours his drinks into his plate of food constantly when we are not looking and throws food, forks, balls, valuables across the room (and has a great arm and impeccable aim) and smiles when we get after him. Although the tears come at time out

*Loves BALLS!

*Has the loudest, lowest voice we've ever heard in a two year old

*Loves to play with his big sister, especially razzling (wrestling) and airplane

*Gives me this look that melts his Mama's heart all day long - I love this boy! We were so prompted to have him when I did NOT feel ready for another one. He is absolute proof that Heavenly Father has the eternal perspective. He has been such a blessing to so many to love and be loved by since John died. Thank goodness he was sent when he was.


Jenna said...

What a cute boy! I can't believe he is two either. I wouldn't have recognized he was yours! He's a big boy now!

tami said...

happy birthday, little man! Love that "money shot."

Marsha said...

Sweet little boy! You guys sure create beautiful babies! Hey...and I LOVE the cabinets in your new house! Where's my photo tour?

Cristi said...

I love reading this! You are such a good mom. :)

Jeanne Alley said...

What a precious little 2-year old, certainly not the picture of the "terrible twos". Great Grandma Alley sends a hug!

Mom Alley said...

His Great Grandpa Poljanec loves the song "The Little Drummer Boy" so when I saw these new toys I couldn't resist. We got the Fisher Price nativity, too. That's what we used for our Christmas story this year. We didn't have enough people to do the live nativity :(. Hope little Blake has fun playing with his new toys. Thanks for the updates...keep them a comin' please. We love you all sooooo much!

edenseve said...

Thanks so much for sharing these special days with the children! Blake reminds me a lot of your brother John. He's darling! I love the money pictures. He is so animated and it's just wonderful to watch them all become.

Jamie said...

Your "baby" is definitely no longer a baby! And that money picture is AWESOME!

Grandpa Alley said...

Happy Birthday Blakester. You are so cute and so loved.

Love ... Grandpa Alley

SB said...

You know I love him!

Tonia said...

Wow, I can't believe he is 2! My how time has flown. He is a beautiful little boy and you have such a beautiful family!