Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Day in the Life...

A friend of mine had a post I loved, showing a day in the life of their family.  She chose the 15th of every third month just to give a snapshot of what a typical day looks like for them.  I loved the idea, because although the days seem very monotonous, unglamorous, and very much the same, I am realizing how brief this time is with my little ones and how I'll look back and 'miss' those days.  But really I am planning 'reminiscing' not so much missing.  Kind of like college days - I really don't miss finals week.  At all.  I 'reminisce' and love that I loved that time then but appreciate where I am now.
So here we go.

The day started with a nicer than average breakfast - Eggo waffles and Morningstar veggie patties (aka sausage), and oranges.  A bit pricey, but with Costco's help they're closer-to-reasonable & getting a full serving of veggies in at breakfast makes me smile.

And Blake in his cute jammies that make me want to kiss him all over:

Next for mommy - my favorite oatmeal ever.  Yum.

Steve leaves for work around 8:45 which leaves him time to love and play with the kiddos in the morning and to lend a helping hand hand breaking up a quarrel or changing a diaper helping me out MUCHO!

Saying good bye with hugs and kisses for Daddy.  

It was President's Day so there was no school.  We invited a favorite neighbor of ours over to play.  Both the kiddos adore her and have a blast with her here.

Movie time with popcorn.
Nap time for Blake after lunch (I have no idea what we had...right before naptime is just like right before dinner time for some reason - pure chaos leading up to peace).
A little Chutes and Ladder guidance.
Squeezing in a couple loads of this.
And of course a load of that.
Steve surprised us and came home for lunch.  That is one downside to having moved farther away from Oralabs - we see him much less frequently for lunches :(.  Or maybe it's because he comes home to things like this - a plugged disposal on this particular day.  It's moments like this he is always grateful he came home for lunch. 

For some reason real live carrots taste much better to me than baby carrots - Steve doesn't quite get why I'd prefer peeling every carrot I eat to the convenience of baby carrots, but I'd do it in a heartbeat every time.  They're just plain better.  Steve is starting 'Biggest Loser' at his work and I promised him I'd have a big container of carrots peeled and ready to eat.  For some reason I was sure this time the disposal could handle the peels from 3 lbs of carrots.  Well, it handled them as well as last time...
And yes, we ended up taking apart the pipes under the sink.  OK - he did, but I handed him everything and cleaned up after so it was still a team effort.  Steve saves us so much $ with his handyman skills.  I love it.

So then Steve went back to where he could take a rest from all this - work. 

After Blake woke up we went to the gym - I am training for the Wasatch Back in June and trying to teach myself to run again.  Thank goodness for the free childcare here!  It is my sanity!
Then off to piano lessons.
Then home to make dinner.  Blake loves to help.  He gets very angry if he doesn't get to help.  I love his two year old help and just try to remember it won't last long.

I had flown in the night before (Valentine's Day) from Seattle so we had to postpone our special Family Valentine's Day Dinner to tonight.  We had as much red as I had the energy to come up with - spaghetti sauce, strawberry milk, tomatoes (on the salad), and some heart marshmallows on top of pudding for dessert. I know, I know.  Hopefully I'll do better in years to come.

We had our FHE - which the kids will NOT let us miss and I love that.  Blake cracks us up - after every part of FHE he shouts "TREATS" and runs to the kitchen.

Opening Song
"TREATS!" (races to the kitchen - we call him back)
"TREATS!" (races off)
Special Musical Number
"TREATS!" (races off)

I love that boy.

There is so much to teach them in such a short amount of time.  Steve and I made a list of what we wanted them to be taught this year and did a rough draft of FHE's for the year and where to find the lessons.  It's made it a lot easier and we feel like we are teaching them the things that are important to us.  The nights of "Sunday Videos" for FHE are fewer and farther between, but definitely still an option when sheer exhaustion sets in!

Then stories, teeth brushed, jammies, prayers and BED!  Steve set up the bunk bed and moved the boys together a week earlier - of course on a night when I wasn't home to put them to bed.  I was working.  It was sooner than I would have moved Blake (2 yrs and 1 month) but he's done great!  He just loves being with his big brother.

After the kids went to bed I think I watched 19 Kids and Counting (Michelle Duggar is one of my role models) and The Suze Orman Show (my favorite is 'Can I afford It?' segment).

And then I crashed, ready to do it all again tomorrow!


Grandpa Alley said...

Thanks JJ. Sweet day.

Love ... Dad

Emily said...

Ok, I'm exhausted now. :)

Isn't life wonderful? Isn't family the best? Isn't the day-to-day the most precious thing we have? Take away the day-to-day and you'll realize you've lost a treasure. I'm glad you made this post. I imagine it will be one of your favorites to look back on.

Love you.

Mom Alley said...

Very fun day for the Allen family. Sweet memories!

Unknown said...

Ah, it's nice to know that we're not alone with the craziness of the daily grind with a bunch of little ones. I'm always grateful for Riley for basically having to do all of this as well while I'm out traveling sometimes. Hey, so when can we have Steve come and replace all of our rain gutters? =)

Anonymous said...

This is cute. I might have to try it sometime! Time goes too fast!!!