Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Three Wonderful Years

Our sweet Kali girl turned three years old on New Years Eve and I need to write this long overdue blog!

Dearest Kali -

I can't begin to tell you how much joy you have brought into our lives. From the time I could feel you kicking in my tummy at 20 weeks I knew you would be a busy, busy girl, always on the go. But I had no clue that you would direct that energy for so much good. From as young as I can remember you have had such a compassionate heart and are constantly looking out for others. You just have a way of knowing what others are thinking and feeling and what should be done about it. You were certainly created a nurturer.

You have such a tender heart. After we lost Uncle John, anytime you saw me with tears or pensive you would ask in your two year old way: "Mom, do you miss Uncle John?" But you're never one to pout or wallow. You know how to find the joy in life! The other day we were driving and you rolled down your window, looked up and the clouds on a beautiful sunny day and started waving madly shouting, "Hiiiii, Uncle John! Hiiiii, Uncle John." The rest of the car joined in and it made for a delightful moment.

Last night we were on a walk and sat down by a fire pit. I was talking to Trenton and playing with Blake when I realized you were sitting with another family. You were telling stories, admiring their baby, had all the children laughing at you, you knew each of the children's names. When it was time to go they all said "goodbye Kali" and gave you hugs. That is just the kind of child you are. You love people!

One of your friends who came to your birthday party was writing his card to you and asked his mom, "How do you spell love?" His mom told him and he said, "No, I mean I LOVE her! She makes me feel so happy inside when I am with her. How do I spell that LOVE?" Kali, you make all of us happy when we are with you. What an honor it is to have your spirit in our home.

One year old

Two years old

Lovin' our three year old girl!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Want something homemade by me?

(My friend, Amanda, posted the following on her blog and as she is an amazing, creative genius, I jumped on board to receive something homemade by her. The catch was we had to do the same for 5 other people. Fun! This will be a good stretch for me and be kinda fun, so here I go...and you can too! Comment away!)

Well, all you have to do is be one of the first five people to comment on this post and offer the same thing on your blog! Easy, right? Well, of course there are rules.

1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
2- What I create will be just for you.
3- It'll be done this year.
4- You have no clue what it's going to be.
5- Don't expect a miracle here, people - this challenge will be waking up my creative side.

The catch is that you must repost this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog. The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me! Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it!

So there you go! Hop to it!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Museum Days

One of the best investments I've made was purchasing an annual membership to the Museum of Nature & Science in downtown Denver with Christmas money we were given. We have such a good time there! Whether it's blazing hot or freezing cold the museum is somewhere we can always go. And at the end of the day I feel like I've had a 'Good Mom Day' - they've learned something, I haven't raised my voice, no time-outs...it's a good thing.

We went today with our friends the Glissmeyers. It's so great to sit an one exhibit for as long the kids want and not have to feel rushed to "see it all." We let the kids do puzzles in the Discovery Zone for about 20 minutes and there was not one moment of regret that we weren't seeing the rest of the exhibits. They were in heaven and so were we!

We also saw a really neat exhibit "Nature Unleashed" about natural disasters. It showed drawings from children affected by Hurricane Katrina - one by a 10 year old boy who climbed to his rooftop and was saved, but lost his mother. It broke my heart. Anyway...there was something for everyone and I must say museum days are some of my favorite days! I forgot my camera today, but these are shots from previous trips.

Dissecting a heart - I don't know who was more excited - me or Trenton

Astronaut Kali

Looking at some sweet tusks with our friends the Taylors

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kali's First Talk

Kali got to give her first talk today, and if it's any indication of her future, she will have no problem in front of a microphone. Her topic was how the priesthood bleses her family. It was so fun to teach her about what the priesthood is and how it affects her little three-year-old life. As she is enamored with babies right now, she loved hearing how Daddy used his priesthood to bless her as a baby. We looked at pictures of her blessing day and saw the Grandpa and Uncle John were also in the circle using their priesthood. I loved teahing her about her Daddy and how he blesses so many lives. She is the very youngest in primary (as her b-day is on New Years Eve), but she loved every minute of it! So did I :)

Make that Triple the Fun

Poor Trenton didn't want to be left out of the fun and came down with an ear infection Friday night. It is so easy when they're older - "My ear hurts so bad, Mom." And that's it! Just too easy. Line 'em up kids!