Sunday, October 4, 2009

My MacGyver

There are moments of marriage where you look at the person you married and think, "Wow, I love this man."  Saturday was one of those moments for me. 

Our light bulbs in the living room have been burnt out since we moved in.  It has posed quite a dilema for us since we couldn't reach them, even with the very tallest ladder we owned.  The tallest ladder anyone owned for that matter.  We couldn't just do the 'suction bulb light bulb changer' as the fixture had to completely unscrewed by hand.  But never fear, my MacGyver's here.  Our entire marriage Steve has always been able to figure out a solution to problems that have me stumped.  This time was no exception. 

Steve secured a 2x4 to the top of the ladder with bungee cords.  I sat upstairs on the landing pushing the board with my feet until this huge ladder was at just the right position for Steve to change the light bulb. Precocious as this set up may seem, it got the job done.  That's my man.


kellie said...

That is amazing!! I am very impressed. Go Steve!!

Jeanne Alley said...

Wow! Talk about ingenuity!! I gazed up at that light several times when I was with you and wondered how you would ever conquer the problem.
Love, Grandma

Stacey said...

one little slip and ahhhhh...

Jamie said...

Way to go Steve! But this picture makes me realize you've never posted any pictures of your new home! It looks beautiful and I would love to see more (hint, hint!)

Marsha said...
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edenseve said...

That's so funny! Did you know that Steve and his brothers used to talk about being McGyver's. They thought that was just the coolest thing to be, and they cultivated that image. I bet he loves this post.