Thursday, October 1, 2009

Viva Las Vegas

Steve and I were able to go to Las Vegas last weekend for a Sibling Survivors Seminar hosted and sponsored by TAPS. The best part was that Luke, Mary and Anna were also able to miss work/school to be there with us. It was great to be together for the weekend. All made possible by Mom flying out to stay with the kiddos - THANK YOU!!!

With Dr. Darcie Sims, a phenomenal speaker and expert on grief and bereavement who literally changed my life in D.C. I can't get over how blessed we are to have support from TAPS - total strangers donate to make healing like this possible.

In front of the Bellagio.

I certainly have a love/hate relationship with the Las Vegas Strip. We were literally wading through pamphlets of porn - it's Satan at his finest. On the other hand, I could sit in front of Bellagio all night watching the water shows. Absolutely amazing. Along with the erupting volcano, the grandiose hotels, the Gardens at the Bellagio, the Eiffel Tower, etc, etc. It's just awesome.

P.S. If you are ever tempted to spend $15 on a huge Frozen Hot Chocolate at Serendipity's because you've heard people rave about it for years (yes, including Oprah herself), just put a frozen fudgsicle in the blender, pour it in a glass and call it good. At least it's off my bucket list.

I love that TAPS focuses on celebrating the life lived, as all our loved ones are heros. They also talk a lot about living for the living- we lit these candles for our loved ones, not "in memory of" but "in gratitude for." John touched so many lives for the good - people felt inspired and uplifted just by being with him. We all jumped at the chance to be together as siblings for the is time well spent - something none of us take for granted.

1 comment:

Emily said...

What awesome pictures! It looks like it was a great trip. I wish I could have been there. But I'm so glad you introduced Luke, Mary, Anna, and Steve to the beauty of TAPS. Way to go, Jules! Love you!